I just learned of an interesting project that is working to wrap Chrome packaged apps in PhoneGap/Cordova so that it can then work on Android and iOS mobile devices.
The project is on github here:
- https://github.com/MobileChromeApps/chrome-cordova
- https://github.com/MobileChromeApps/mobile-chrome-apps
Here's a talk from PhoneGap Day US 2013 in October (found originally on the phonegap blog) by one of the lead developers (Mochal Mocny from Google) discussing the project.
A while back I played with wrapping a D3 app in phonegap, and it was dog slow, likely due to many inefficiencies of my own making that would require some concentrated jank busting in a mobile context. Projects like this one from Google might deal with at least some the jank in a central way, which is exciting.
Here are some of the features he highlighted in the talk
- Goals
- improve Cordova's core offering
- create a compatibility layer, allowing Chrome Apps to run on top of Cordova
- Re-implement Chrome App APIs as Cordova plugins
- Target iOS and Android
- Working on App Harness
- Wrote Cordova plugins to emulate (among other things):
- Chrome App lifecycle
- Parsing of Chrome App manifest.json
- They have some scripts to help set up everything for wrapping a Chrome app; these read your manifest.json file and pull the plugins you need (this is very cool - can't wait to play with it)
- Simplified OAuth2 flow ("trivial access to Google services" - his snippet from a sample manifest certainly suggested this is the case)
- HTML5 FileSystem where users can use their Google Drive account
- syncFileSystem api
- syncs across devices and desktop
- works offline, with two conflict policies
- last write wins (for single user apps this is probably sufficient, so might not need to get messy with this)
- manual (ugh)
- Access to TCP/UDP raw sockets ("not just web sockets")
- no need to middle-man for various web services
- build peer-to-peer games
His live set up and run/conversion of an app to iOS did not work, unfortunately, but that's how these things go. He did show a video of an app using the Chrome socket api on an iPhone, where he had it control a quadricopter.
It will be interesting to see if this is how Google ultimately brings Chrome apps to mobile, or if they also developer a "more native" approach.
Exciting stuff.
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