Android - Notes on Determining a Representative Set of Screen Sizes/Resolutions to Test

I need to set up some representative Android virtual devices in order to test an app for different screen sizes and densities.  The app will run on Android 2.1 and later.

There are several main sources of information that it seems you have to tediously pull together:

1) Breakdown of devices that have accessed Android market, by screen size category and density

2) Details on the size/density categories, including actual screen densities

3) Actual screen sizes for Android devices from wikipedia

4) More screen sizes for Android (and other) Devices

Here are the (rough) specifications from Android on their size/screen categories

Illustration of how Android roughly maps actual sizes and densities to generalized sizes and densities (figures are not exact), from

From, the representative density values seem to be:
  • ldpi: 120ppi
  • mdpi: 160ppi
  • hdpi: 240ppi
  • xhdpi: 320ppi
The table below was pieced together from the links above.  While there are 16 possible combinations of Android size and density, only eight register on the latest stats, and the top two account for 90% of the devices.

Draft Breakdown of Device Size and Density for Android Devices, October 2011
% of Devices (Cumulative)"Android" Size,DensityActual Pixel DimensionsRepresentative AVD SpecsComment
71.9 (71.9)Normal, hdpiFWVGA854
FWVGA, 240ppi
WVGA, 240ppi
600x1024, 240ppi
I assume 600x1024 is for some of the tablets (e.g, Galaxy Tab)
17.6 (89.5)Normal, mdpiHVGAHVGA, 160ppi
3 (92.5)Large, mdpiFWVGA854
FWVGA, 160ppi
WVGA, 160ppi
600x1024, 160ppi

2.7 (95.2)Small, hdpi480x640480x640, 240ppi
2.6 (97.8)Xlarge, mdpiWXGA
WXGA, 160ppi
12024x768, 160ppi
1280x768, 160ppi

1.2 (99)Small, ldpiQVGAQVGA, 120ppiEven the home screen looks unusable in emulator
0.9 (99.9) Normal, ldpiWQVGA400
WQVGA432, 120ppi

0.1 (100)Large, ldpi1024x6001024x600, 120ppi
0 but will hit Fall 2011Kindle Fire, Large, mdpi(?)600x1024600x1024; 169ppiKindle Fire to ship Nov 15, 2011; emulator specs from here, found via stackoverflow

And here's a reminder list of the dimensions for the named display sizes:
  • FWVGA854: 480x854
  • WVGA800: 480x800
  • WXGA: 1280x800
  • HVGA:  320x480
  • WQVGA400: 240x400
  • WQVGA432: 240x432
  • QVGA: 240x320

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